Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Salam alayk~

Kali ni banyak nak update..tapi masa tak berapa mengizinkan. Alkisah, sekejap tadi seorang rakan sekelas saya, hafiz ym dan suruh tengok apa yang ditulis seorang hamba Allah ni. Mungkin si hamba Allah ni pukul rata, mungkin tidak.

dia tidak mendatangkan fakta, statistik, dan bukti sahih.

*Facebook doesn't count until it is proven to be true*

mungkin, dia:

1)Sekadar meluahkan
4)suka cetuskan provokasi

berhati2.itu saje.

p/s-hairan dengan manusia yang sukakan publisiti murahan.


-cabaran masa depan-


adda, pnh tgk post spt ini ,

1st time was during pre-degree, last year pn ad

there are always ppl yg nk menjatuhkn kte, and this is how they do it, they spread bad names about us, our alumnis and our graduates and worst, some public ppl believe it..

but, we have to stay strong, united always, be loyal to our u, and nation of course to prove that what we are BETTER THAN THAT!!!

we are after all, the guardians of our nation, and for that, we have to be strong and be able to stand up although there are ppl that stab us from the back...

toodles ~~


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